Innovation 2021 Presentation Materials

How To Build Your Agency To Be The Green Machine That Fules Your Dreams

Welcome to the materials page for my presentation at Innnovation2021.  Here you will find the assets I discussed in my workshop to help you plan to build your agency in a way that fulels your dreams and your vision.  I am excited to be a part of your journey and if you have any additional questions, I have a contact form below where you can reach out by email or make an appointment to discuss these further.  We are #bettertogether

Presentation Slides In PDF

Download the slides in a .pdf

Workshop Outline/Worksheets

An outlined approach to building the agency of your dreams

Business Bullseye

Download the Business Bullseye in .pdf to segregate your efforts and help you build a well rounded business.  

Tree of Escalation

An example of how we can create an escallation protocol and take ourselfs out of the detaills. 

Evaluating Risk

How do you measure if you are ready to take calculated risks? This spreadsheet willl help!

Favorites Form

Keep track of your team's favorite items so you can easily show them appreciation.

The Power Wome In Insurance Podcast

I don't have a "side hustle" (I do have a podcast, but I don't sell anything)...if you are interested in chatting, I am here.  I don't sell emails, I don't have a side hustle to market to you with, and I am not selling anything..but, I am here to promote amazing people in the industry...join me as we hear the journey and how people overcame adversity!

Work Llife Balance
The Journey

Questions? I'm here to help!  Reach out and I'll
answer any questions you have!

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